In projection electron-beam systems resolution and throughput are linked th
rough electron-electron interactions collectively referred to as space-char
ge effects. Hence, a detailed understanding of these effects is essential t
o optimizing the lithographic performance of a projection electron-beam lit
hography system. Although many models have been developed to describe one o
r more of the various aspects of the Coulomb interactions that occur in the
beam, there is minimal experimental data available. We have performed a se
ries of experimental measurements in the scattering with angular limitation
projection electron-beam lithography (SCALPEL) proof-of-lithography system
to characterize the space-charge effects for such an optical configuration
. The results of those measurements have been compared to a combination of
computer simulations and analytical models. The agreement between the model
s and experiments was good, within the limits of experimental error. We det
ermined the exponent in the dependence of blur on beam current to be 1.029
+/- 0.16 (1 sigma), consistent with more recent models. Additionally, we co
mment on the use of blur modeling for system optimization. (C) 2001 America
n Vacuum Society.