During the 1990s, research within the Individual Differences Unit at the Un
iversity of Sydney was oriented towards expanding knowledge of poorly under
stood domains of human cognition. The theory of fluid and crystallized inte
lligence (Gf/Gc) served as the overarching framework. This research has led
to an improved understanding of the nature of complexity and the role of w
orking memory in Gf. Another outcome has been the charting of factors under
lying of mental speed, tactile/kinesthetic performance, and olfactory memor
y. Recently, there has been exploration of the "borderline area" between ab
ilities and personality. Our work on self-confidence and self-monitoring of
cognitive performance has demonstrated excellent measurement properties of
scores based on confidence ratings. We have also established a clear separ
ation of a broad self-confidence factor from traditional intelligence and p
ersonality factors. Our research in these borderline areas has also explore
d the status of emotional intelligence. Results from several studies raise
questions regarding the measurement of this construct. (C) 2001 Elsevier Sc
ience Inc. All rights reserved.