Background. Radiation is an accepted risk factor for thyroid carcinogenesis
in children. Recent observations in large cohort of children and young adu
lts who developed papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) related to accidental
radiation exposure after the Chernobyl reactor accident revealed typical ge
netic aberrations shedding light on genetic determinants and mechanisms of
radiation-induced carcinogenesis. Procedure. A molecular genetic analysis w
as performed on 191 post-Chernobyl PTC by RT-PCR, multiplex PCR, DNA sequen
cing, and in some cases 5'RACE. Determination of point mutations was by mea
ns of PCR and either allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridiziation or SSCP
and DNA sequencing. Results, In various sporadic thyroid tumor types of ad
ults structural genetic aberrations have been found involving mutations of
RAS (codon 12, 13, 61), p53 (exons 5 to 8), Gs alpha (codon 201 and 227), a
nd, at a low prevalence, the receptor tyrosine kinases RET or NTRK1. In con
trast, in radiation-induced PTC of children RET rearrangements are by far t
he most prevalent genetic aberrations. In these RET rearrangements, the tra
nsmembrane and extracellular domains of RET are lost, and are replaced by p
arts of other genes at the 5' end. These genes always contain coiled-coil d
omains with dimerization potential and lead to constitutive, ligand-indepen
dent activation of the ret tyrosine kinase domain at the 3' end of the fusi
on product. The most frequent radiation-induced RET gene fusions involve th
e ELE1 (ARA70) gene, a transcription coactivator of the androgen receptor (
PTC3), and H4, a gene of unknown function (PTC1). Both rearrangements origi
nate from DNA double strand breaks with repair by intrachromosomal balanced
paracentric inversion and recombination by illegitimate DNA endjoining at
small stretches of homologous nucleotide sequences and direct or inverted r
epeats, without significant breakpoint clusters in the involved introns. in
addition, five different RET-fused genes, R1 alpha, GOLGA5, HTIF, RFG7 and
RFG8, have been detected leading to the PTC2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 types of RET r
earrangements, respectively. Each fusion leads, in principle, to the same e
ffect: The ret tyrosine kinase is uncoupled from its stringent physiologica
l regulation by replacement of its 5' end and is aberrantly activated by th
e 5' parts of fused genes in thyrocytes that do not normally express ret ty
rosine kinase. Ectopic ret expression, clonal expansion and early invasion
are peculiar to the affected cells. The RET-fused gene is obviously decisiv
e for modulating tumor development: ELE1/RET rearrangements lead to most ra
pid tumor progression and are related to the solid variant of PTC, in contr
ast to H4/RFT rearrangements connected with papillary or follicular Variant
s of PTC. Conclusions. Typical genetic aberrations are produced by radioiod
ine uptake in the juvenile thyroid gland. They act as determinants of pheno
type, biology, and clinical course of radiation-induced papillary thyroid c
arcinomas. Med. Pediatr. Oncol. 36:574-582, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.