Risk factors for acquiring Helicobacter pylori infection include hygienic,
social, and environmental conditions. Some of these conditions usually chan
ge over time. We therefore investigated the existence of risk factors in a
group of teenagers living in a place with the same environmental characteri
stics, in which hygienic and crowding conditions have not changed significa
ntly in the last 20 years.
A group of 164 students, mostly borne in 1977, attending four different sch
ools. were examined serologically for H. pylori infection and CagA status.
The importance of the risk factors for the transmission of the infection we
re evaluated by the chi (2) test. P values <0.05 were considered significan
Twenty-two students (13.4%) were H. pylori seropositive. Students attending
teachers college and high school of arts were infected significantly more
often than those attending high school (P = 0.011 and P = 0.012, respective
ly). Students who smoked and students whose parents had a manual job had an
increased risk of acquiring the infection (P = 0.002. and P = 0.036. respe
ctively). Crowding conditions and the presence of domestic animals were clo
se to being statistically significant. Other factors, such as gender, numbe
r of bathrooms and bedrooms, sharing the bed with adults as a child, presen
ce of a sexual partner, and a family history of peptic ulcer and gastric ca
ncer, did not increase the risk of infection. The prevalence of seropositiv
ity for CagA was similar in the various risk groups.
Manual job of parents and smoking were the most important factors for acqui
ring H. pylori infection.