An investigation was undertaken to evaluate whether the proteolytic breakdo
wn of beta -casein during the ripening process of Edam cheese (with or with
out added bifidobacteria) result in the formation of beta -casomorphins (be
ta -CMs). Control Edam cheese without bifidobacteria and probiotic Edam che
ese were compared with reference to beta -CMs by employing reverse-phase HP
LC. Results indicated that beta -CM 3 was present (similar to 35 mg%) in al
l the Edam cheese samples during ripening. It appeared that under the condi
tions of HPLC employed, no beta -CM 5 or morphiceptin were formed in apprec
iable amounts. Also, even if formed, the residual enzymes might further deg
rade them during ripening process. Thus Edam cheese may be expected to exte
nd the beneficial physiological effects besides the nutritional benefits.