We have made high-resolution (4 '') observations of the 2.6 mm continu
um and CO (1-0) line emission associated with the young stellar object
DG Tau B. The aperture-synthesis CO map clearly shows that redshifted
emission is symmetrically distributed about the DG Tau B optical jet
and extends at least 6000 AU to the northwest of the unresolved contin
uum source. By contrast, blueshifted CO emission is confirmed to a com
pact region, which is less than 500 AU in radius. Within 1000 AU of th
e star, the redshifted CO emission is elongated, brightest along its c
entral axis, and unresolved in the transverse direction. Beyond 1000 A
U, the flow broadens and begins to bifurcate. The morphology of the CO
emission provides compelling evidence that the extended molecular out
flow is driven by the highly collimated atomic jet. The spatial corres
pondence between knots in the optical jet and successive broadenings o
f the outflow supports the hypothesis that the molecular outflow is pr
oduced by the action of multiple working surfaces in a time-varying je