Bit-asynchronous optical packet-switched networks are seen as viable candid
ates for Metropolitan areas. For such networks we are proposing labeling of
the optical packets based on multidimensional headers constructed by using
a combination of two or more physical properties like time, wavelength, su
b-carried frequency, or polarization state. The resulting header can be pro
cessed using slower electronics than the line rate without any sacrifice of
the information transfer rate and with higher immunity with respect to deg
radation of the optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). Packet identification
as well as header-payload separation is achieved using passive devices. Th
is method for constructing and switching information as well as transportin
g frames offers potential speed processing gains over the binary case as we
ll as improvements on bit-error rate versus OSNR. The feasibility of using
headers constructed by combination of wavelength and in terms of dispersion
and spectral efficiency is established as a function of bit-rate and dista
nce. Finally a generic architecture for a suitable optical packet add/drop
node is described.