Richard Dawkins's The Selfish Gene and Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Pl
ateaus share a common interest in de-throning consciousness as the seat of
identity. At the same time, they seek to displace agency into non-conscious
actors or dispel it altogether. In this sense they are part of a larger mo
vement within cognitive science and evolutionary biology to define cognitio
n in terms that partially deconstruct the distinction between organisms and
environment. Yet their projects differ from this larger movement in that t
hey both rely on performative language to enact dissolutions or displacemen
ts that could not take place in empirical reality. To evaluate their projec
ts, this essay develops a theoretical framework that envisions metaphorical
language working together with enabling constraints to produce reliable kn
owledge. Within this framework, the problematic move that Dawkins and Deleu
ze/Guattari make extensive use of metaphoric language without the counterba
lance of constraints. Instead of the non-human unconstrained agency that th
ese theorists enact through their performative language, this essay propose
s a model of distributed agency that works through rather than against cons