A model has been developed which estimates the magnitude and the spatial di
stribution of pesticide losses from diffuse sources (surface run-off, tile
drains and spraydrift) into surface waters for the entire area of Germany.
The cumulative annual losses of 42 active ingredients applied to 11 field c
rops, orchards and vineyards are calculated for river basins in Germany bas
ed on grid maps with a resolution of 1 x 1 km(2). The model validation show
ed a sufficient degree of accuracy of the model results compared to measure
d pesticide loads in 13 small catchments. According to the model results th
e pesticide input from diffuse sources into surface waters amounted to 13.8
t in 1994 aggregated for the entire area of Germany. Input via surface run
off contributed 9.1 t while tile drainage was 1.4 t and spraydrift 3.4 t re
spectively. Alongside the model calculations empirical data of the pesticid
e load of rivers in Germany are presented. A comparison of the measured riv
er loads with the modeled inputs from non-point sources leads to the conclu
sion that in most regions of Germany the largest portion of the load is due
to the input from farm effluents.