Design automation tools and methodologies always encounter a problem of how
systems may be designed efficiently, including issues such as static model
ing and dynamic manipulation of system parts. With the rapid progress of de
sign technology, the continuously increasing number of different choices pe
r system part and the growing complexity of today's systems, the efficiency
of the design environment is not only a major concern now, but will also b
e a demanding problem in the near future. In contrast to heuristic methods,
a novel environment called POSE is proposed that increases efficiency duri
ng design without losing optimality in the final design results. System par
ts are modeled using the popular object-oriented modeling technique and are
dynamically manipulated using the parallel design technique. A complete in
tegration of object-oriented and parallel techniques is one of the major fe
atures of POSE. Common problems related to parallel design such as emptines
s and deadlock are also elegantly solved within POSE. Experimental results
and formal analysis based on POSE all show its practical and theoretical us
efulness. POSE can be used at any level of synthesis as long as off-the-she
lf building-blocks manipulation is required. POSE can be applied especially
to system-level synthesis, whose targets can be parallel computer architec
tures, systems-on-chip, or embedded systems. We will show how POSE has been
applied to ICOS, a recently proposed synthesis methodology. Furthermore, P
OSE can be easily integrated with other heuristic design methodologies to a
llow increased design efficiency.