Development and reproduction of Orius laevigatus (Fieber) on cysts of the b
rine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg were compared with those on eggs of
the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller. Cysts had to be
hydrated for successful development of the predator. Developmental period o
n decapsulated cysts stored in dry form was shorter than that on nondecapsu
lated cysts or E. kuehniella eggs, but adult weights were similar. Predator
s provided with decapsulated cysts stored in saturated brine developed at a
rate similar to that of those fed lepidopteran eggs, but body weight of at
tained females was lower. Survival of O. laevigatus nymphs fed nondecapsula
ted A. franciscana cysts averaged 56% compared to 79-98% for those fed deca
psulated cysts or lepidopteran eggs. Total fecundity and oviposition rate o
n decapsulated cysts stored in dry form were similar to those on hour moth
eggs, averaging 125 eggs per female and 3.5 eggs per female per day, respec
tively. Females provided with decapsulated cysts kept in brine solution pro
duced significantly fewer eggs, with an average of 57 eggs per female. Pred
ators fed on deep-frozen decapsulated and hydrated cysts had developmental
rates lower than but fecundities similar to those offered E. kuehniella egg
s. The nutritional value and economic viability of brine shrimp cysts as a
factitious food for the mass production of Orius bugs are discussed. (C) 20
01 Academic Press.