Fluorescent Ca2+ probes and digital photo-sectioning techniques were used t
o directly study the dynamics of Ca2+ in isolated mast cell granules of nor
mal (CB/J) and beige (Bg(i)/Bg(i)) mice. The resting intraluminal free Ca2 concentration ([Ca2+](L)) is 25 +/- 4.2 muM (mean +/- SD, n = 68). Exposur
e to 3 muM inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) induced periodic oscillat
ions of luminal Ca2+ ([Ca2+](L)) of similar to 10 muM amplitude and a perio
d around 8-10 s. The [Ca2+](L) oscillations were accompanied by a correspon
ding oscillatory release of [Ca2+](L) to the extraluminal space. Control ex
periments using ruthenium red (2 muM) and thapsigargin (100 nM) ruled out a
rtifacts derived from the eventual presence of mitochondria or endoplasmic
reticulum in the isolated granule preparation. Oscillations of [Ca2+](L) an
d Ca2+ release result from a Ca2+/K+ exchange process whereby bound Ca is d
isplaced from the heparin polyanionic matrix by inflow of K+ into the granu
lar lumen via an apamin-sensitive Ca2+-sensitive K+ channel (ASK(Ca)), wher
eas Ca2+ release takes place via an InsP(3)-receptor-Ca2+ (InsP(3)-R) chann
el. These results are consistent with previous observations of [Ca2+](L) os
cillations and release in/from the endoplasmic reticulum and mucin granules
, and suggest that a highly conserved common mechanism might be responsible
for [Ca2+](L) oscillations and quantal periodic Ca2+ release in/from intra
cellular Ca2+ storage compartments.