Mixed states are heterogeneous clinical entities difficult to define precis
ely. The stringent actual DSM IV criteria are unsatisfactory for current cl
inical use. Many; frequently encountered mixed patients benefit without an
accurate diagnosis from biological therapeutic interventions such as the in
troduction of mood stabilizers. We propose a brief review of the definition
and characteristics of mixed states and propose a new approach to the typo
logy of mixed states. Based on recent literature data, we add to the depres
sive and manic syndrome the concept of dysphoria as a third dimension. Inte
grating this three dimensional approach with recent factor analysis, we des
cribe in addition to the DSM IV mixed state (type I) two new subtypes of mi
xed states (type IIM and IIB). This new typology can give the clinician a m
ore accurate understanding of the complex and polymorphous reality of mixed
states and help him make more specific therapeutic interventions. These su
btypes of mixed states will need validation through prospective clinical st
udies. Biological differences, differential outcome over time, and differen
tial response to treatment will be important validation criteria.