Erythropoietin (EPO) stimulates the growth of erythroblasts in the bone mar
row (C, Lacombe and P. Mayeux, Nephrol, Dial. Transplant., 14 (Suppl, 2): 2
2-28, 1999), We report basal and hypoxia-stimulated expression of EPO and i
ts receptor, EPOR, in human breast cancer cells, and we demonstrate EPO-sti
mulated tyrosine phosphorylation and the proliferation of these tells in vi
tro. In 50 clinical specimens of breast carcinoma, we report high levels of
EPO and EPOR associated with malignant cells and tumor vasculature but not
with normal breast, benign papilloma, or fibrocystic tissue. Hypoxic tumor
regions display the highest levels of EPO and EPOR expression. Enhanced EP
O signaling may contribute to the promotion of human cancer by tissue hypox