The superior hemiretina in primates and humans has a greater density of gan
glion cells than the inferior hemiretina, suggesting a bias towards process
ing information in the lower visual field (loVF). In primates, this over-re
presentation of the loVF is also evident at the level of striate and extras
triate cortex. This is particularly true in some of the visual areas consti
tuting the dorsal "action" pathway, such as area V6A. Here we show that vis
ually guided pointing movements with the hand are both faster and more accu
rate when performed in the loVF when compared to the same movements made in
the upper visual field (upVF). This was true despite the fact that the bio
mechanics of the movements made did not differ across conditions. The loVF
advantage for the control of visually guided pointing movements is unlikely
to be due to retinal factors and may instead reflect a functional bias for
controlling skilled movements in this region of space. Possible neural cor
relates for this loVF advantage for visually guided pointing are discussed.