Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare tobacco use among hi
gh school male athletes with their nonathlete counterparts. We hypothe
sized that there was an inverse correlation between the intensity leve
l of the sport and frequency of tobacco use. Methods: Students were su
rveyed at seven high schools in northwest Louisiana using a 109-item q
uestionnaire. Of the 1,200 males tested, 83% participated in one or mo
re sports. The mean age was 15.8, and mean grade level was 10th. Sixty
-seven percent were white, 27% African-American (AA), and 6% other. Re
sults: Forty-one percent of the adolescent males tested used one or mo
re tobacco products, 31% reported cigarette smoking, 21% chewed tobacc
o, and 18% used snuff. Eleven percent reported using all three tobacco
products. Race was a significant determinant of tobacco use, with whi
tes being more likely to use each of the three tobacco products (P < .
001). Medium- and high-intensity athletes were significantly (P <.01)
less likely to be heavy smokers than athletes participating in low-int
ensity sports and nonathIetes. However, athletes of each intensity spo
rt used chewing tobacco and snuff at significantly higher rates (P <.0
01) than nonathletes. When race and grade point average were controlle
d, sports intensity was a significant predictor of smokeless tobacco u
se but not overall smoking behavior. Both AA and white high school mal
e athletes at all sport intensity levels were using chewing tobacco an
d snuff at a rate higher at least 1.5 times that of their nonathlete c
ounterparts. Conclusions: In our study, high school males' sports part
icipation was a predictor of smokeless tobacco use but not overall smo
king behavior. Although the probability of AA high school athletes usi
ng smokeless tobacco was low compared to whites, the pattern of use wa
s similar across intensity levels of sports. (C) Society for Adolescen
t Medicine, 1997.