The diagnostic procedures and therapeutic possibilities of assisted reprodu
ction have increasingly gained importance during recent years and are now a
t the center of public attention. The individual aspects of experience, beh
avior and thought are the objects of psychology; in contrast reproductive m
edicine is concerned with precisely determined fundamental somatic principl
es and has the clear aim of establishing pregnancy. Although many authors d
escribe an increasing number of psychological problems in sterile or infert
ile couples, so far no evidence has been produced that psychological proble
ms are the cause and not the result of sterility and its treatment. Uninten
tionally childless women are more affected by the unfulfilled wish fora chi
ld than their partners.
Due to its invasive technique,the diagnosis and procedure of extracorporeal
fertilization create a heavy emotional strain. In the psychosocial sphere
the problem of an unfulfilled wish for a child usually remains unseen. Mode
rn sterility consultation should offer an individualized treatment model th
at takes into account the special somatic and emotional features of the ind