The present groundwater monitoring network in Bavaria consists mostly of we
lls and only a small number of natural groundwater springs, all of which ar
e analyzed for mainly the common physical and chemical constituents in grou
ndwater. In order to develop a longterm groundwater management plan for all
the groundwater resources of Bavaria, the Bavarian State Office for Water
Management intends to establish a separate spring-monitoring network throug
hout the 11 groundwater provinces of the state. As a first step, significan
t physicochemical parameters that show considerable annual fluctuation (aft
er monitoring 1-3 years) were determined at 21 springs or spring systems to
create a basic data set to guide future monitoring. A selection procedure
was developed around four parameters: (1) geological units. which includes
the principal aquifers; (2) rate of spring discharge; (3) land utilization
within a catchment: and (4) approximate size of the subterranean catchment.
However, in the initial phase of the study, only the first three parameter
s were investigated. These parameters established a matrix for evaluating e
ach groundwater region of Bavaria to aid in the selection of additional spr
ings for the proposed monitoring network.