We studied the planktonic food web in eutrophic San Reservoir (Catalonia, N
E Spain). Along the longitudinal axis from the Ter River downstream to the
dam, we characterized a microbial succession of food web dominance of bacte
ria-HNF-ciliates. The Ter River transports a large load of organic material
into the reservoir, with a bacterial density of similar to9.10(6) large ce
lls per ml. While at the first lacustrine station of the Reservoir HNF were
the dominant bacterial consumers, at the others, an oligotrich ciliate, Ha
lteria grandinella, was the main protozoan bacterivore. Most of the bacteri
al production in the reservoir epilimnion was consumed by grazing. The spat
ial succession of the resevoir microbial food webs was followed downstream
by maximum densities of their potential predators among zoo-plankters - rot
ifers, and early developmental stages of copepods.