A worldwide surge in cinema advertising expenditure underscores the need fo
r additional research into the medium's impact and effectiveness. Proponent
s argue that among cinema's many virtues are its abilities to reinforce and
complement other media. To explore this contention empirically, a study of
commercials launched simultaneously on television and in cinema is reporte
d here. Findings confirm that assuming a set budget/GRP constraint, in-mark
et recall scores for commercials flighted concurrently in both media are si
gnificantly higher than for those launched only on television. Furthermore,
young adults, a cohort often considered by advertisers to be evasive and d
ifficult to target via traditional media, can be effectively reached throug
h cinema advertising. Cinema's appeal is not restricted to the youth market
, however. it is an underrated and underutilized medium through which to ta
rget older consumers. Conclusions are drawn and future research directions