The Method of Cells (MC) is used to predict the permeability of preforms re
gardless of their architecture, and to study the effect of disturbances dur
ing preform manufacturing on the permeability of the preform. Preforms are
made up of bundles of fibers called fiber tows. Different types of preforms
can be produced from the same fiber tow. In the MC, a repetitive unit cell
is subdivided into subcells in such a way that there is only fiber tow or
air in a subcell. The pressure field in each subcell is modeled as a second
order polynomial of local coordinates. The coefficients of the polynomial
are estimated using a set of equations that include governing equations, bo
undary conditions, continuity conditions and constitutive equations. Subseq
uently, the flow field in the subcell is determined. The pressure is averag
ed at the faces of the unit cell and the pressure gradient is calculated as
suming a linear pressure profile across the unit cell in all three dimensio
ns. The velocity is averaged over the unit cell volume. Finally, overall pe
rmeability values are estimated using Darcy's Law. The geometry of the pref
orm varies to some extent due to several effects during production or proce
ssing; or there might be some imperfections in the preform, such as imprope
r stitches. The permeability is influenced by both of these disturbances. B
y varying the properties of the subcells in the model, the effect of these
disturbances on the permeability can be evaluated.