The chlorine and bromine that are contained in gases emitted at the Earth's
surface enter the stratosphere in two ways. First, those gases that are in
ert in the troposphere may be transported to the stratosphere before they a
re oxidized or photolyzed. In this case these compounds act as an in situ s
ource of stratospheric reactive chlorine and bromine. Second, the chlorine
and bromine that are released into the troposphere from those gases that ar
e reactive in the troposphere may also be subsequently transported to the s
tratosphere. We evaluate the relative influence of these processes on strat
ospheric bromine in a three-dimensional chemistry and transport model that
simulates the distribution of bromoform (CHBr3). Many of the observed featu
res of CHBr3 are simulated well, and comparisons with observations show tha
t the model represents aspects of transport in the upper troposphere and lo
wer stratosphere that are critical to the evaluation. In particular, the mo
del maintains the observed troposphere-stratosphere distinctness in transpo
rt pathways and reproduces the observed seasonal dependence of the mixture
of air in the middle- and high-latitude lowermost stratosphere. CHBr3 is sh
ort-lived and is destroyed by photolysis and by reaction with hydroxyl (OH)
: which yields inorganic bromine (Br-y) In our simulations, stratospheric d
estruction of CHBr3 produces Br-y in amounts that are comparable to that tr
ansported into the stratosphere after photolysis and oxidation of CHBr3 in
the troposphere. The mass of Br-y produced from the destruction of CHBr3 do
es not exceed the mass of Br-y produced from the destruction of the long-li
ved brominated compounds (halons and methyl bromide) globally at any level
in the stratosphere. However. Bry from the loss of CHBr3 accounts for appro
ximately one third of the total Br, in the lowest kilometer of the stratosp
here. We estimate that adding CHBr3 to models that already include the long
-lived organic brominated compounds will increase the simulated stratospher
ic mass of Br-y by, at most, 15%.