This paper reports a comparative study of the use of palaeohydrological and
hydrological techniques to estimate magnitude and frequency of floods appl
ied to two high-gradient, small catchments located in the Spanish Central P
yrenees: the Aras basin, 18.6 km(2); the Montardit basin, 15.2 km(2). Palae
ohydrological (palaeoflood) techniques, based on palaeostase indicators and
the application of both Manning's equation and critical how equation, were
used to estimate discharge values corresponding to seven cross-sections of
the Montardit stream. This method yielded discharges ranging from 7 to 112
m(3) s(-1). Palaeoflood and historical hood analyses indicated a greater f
requency of high magnitude events for both the Aras and Montardit basins th
an suggested by the application of two different methodologies based on pre
cipitation data (the rational and the unit hydrograph methods). The 1996 Ar
a's basin flood was modelled using the unit hydrograph method, with most re
liable results (217 m(3) s(-1)) obtained using a semidistributed basin mode
l. For small, ungauged mountain basins, palaeoflood reconstruction provides
an excellent tool to obtain past flood discharges on which to base the cal
ibration of parameters (e.g. runoff threshold) used in rainfall-runoff meth
ods. It is proposed that the combined results of long-term flood record ana
lysis (based on palaeoflood and historical data) and of standard hydrometeo
rological methods will aid in the assessment of flood risks for application
to the design of emergency measures and floodplain management in ungauged
mountain streams. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.