The connectionist network corresponding to the nonlinear integration dynami
cal system associated with Kintsch's a construction-integration (CI) model
is analysed with linear algebra tools. This addresses some theoretical ques
tions raised and left unanswered by Rodenhausen (1992, Psychological Review
99, 547-549). A mathematical characterization for equilibrium points, whic
h allows an a priori enumeration of all possible asymptotic slates for the
integration dynamical system, given a connectivity matrix, is given. Thr dy
namics of convergence of the integration dynamical system is characterized
in some detail as well. This provides a tool For understanding CI simulatio
ns and helps in particular to let us know to what extent the outcome will d
epend on the initial conditions. The criteria also provide a neu mathematic
al analysis which allows for the explicit calculation of asymptotic states
of tile integration process without requiring computer simulation experimen
ts. The new mathematical analysis should facilitate comparisons of the mode
ls predictions with behavioural data. (C) 2001 Academic Press.