The filtered-x LMS algorithm which needs a reference signal to provide adva
nced information about primary disturbances has been commonly used for acti
ve noise control in the form of the feedforward control. Therefore, for an
effective feedforward control, high correlation between primary disturbance
and reference signal is required. However a real system is usually out of
this condition. Because there are many cases that have no space for locatin
g the reference sensor in the system while setting the reference sensor, th
ere may be a problem of low correlation between the primary disturbances an
d the reference signal. This study proposes a hybrid controller, which is a
n assembled form of feedforward controller and feedback controller to empha
size the strong points of the feedforward controller and overcome its fault
s. The feedforward controller attenuates the primary disturbances highly co
rrelated with the reference signal, while the feedback controller cancels n
oises that is unobserved by the reference signal but observed by the error
sensor (plant noise). The fact that the intensive periodic components of no
ise are commonly intended for control makes the narrowband noise canceling
of the feedback controller useful beyond its limits in reduction of broadba
nd noise. This study proved the superiority of the hybrid algorithm hr maki
ng a comparison between feedforward filtered-x LMS algorithm and hybrid fil
tered-x LMS algorithm in the same excitation condition at the duct system o
f which the a;ave motion is a one dimensional plane wave few. The hybrid fi
ltered-x LMS algorithm is even more effective when the plant noise unobserv
ed by the reference sensor is intense.