Objective: To assess cumulative incidence and non-cognitive factors predict
ing nursing home placement in a defined older population.
Design and setting: Six-year follow-up of a population-based cohort living
west of of Sydney.
Participants: 3654 non-institutionalised residents aged 49 years or older (
82.4% of those eligible) participated in baseline examinations during 1992
to 1994.
Main outcome measures: Permanent nursing home admission for long-term insti
tutionalised aged care in New South Wales, confirmed by records oi I approv
als by the regional Aged Care Assessment Team and subsidy payments by gover
Results: After excluding 384 participants who moved from the area or were l
ost : to follow-up, 162 participants (5.0%) had been admitted to nursing ho
mes on a permanent basis by October 1999. Of participants who died since ba
seline, 20% had been admitted to a nursing home before death. Of those aliv
e, 1.6% were current nursing home residents. Six-year cumulative incidence
rates for nursing : home placement were 0.7%, 1.1%, 2.4%, 3.9%, 9.0%, 18.3%
and 34.9% for people aged 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84 and 85
years or older, respectively. Non-cognitive factors at baseline predicting
subsequent nursing home admission included each additional year of age (ris
k ratio [RR], 1.14), fair or poor compared with excellent self-rated health
(RR, 2.9, 3.6), walking difficulty (RR, 3.6) and current smoking (RR, 1.9)
, People owning their homes had a decreased likelihood of nursing home plac
ement (RR, 0.6).
Conclusions: Incidence rates of institutional aged care doubled for each fi
ve-year interval from the age of 60 years. A range of non-cognitive factors
predict nursing home placement.