Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii is emerging as a primary human pathogen
which is distinct genetically and biochemically from C. neoformans var. ne
oformans. There is increasing evidence that it should be reclassified as a
separate species within the Tremellales. In nature, C. n. var, gattii has b
een consistently isolated from decaying wood in hollows of species of the r
ed gum group of eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus ser. Exsertae Blakely). The ro
le that trees play in the life-cycle of C. n. var. gattii is not known, but
its association with decaying wood is suggestive of an endophytic existenc
e, in common with other wood-rot fungi, Despite the demonstration in the la
boratory of sexual reproduction between mating types alpha and n of F. neof
ormans var, gattii, this has not been demonstrated in nature. Human cryptoc
occosis develops following environmental exposure and inhalation of the inf
ectious propagule, Whether this is the basidiospore or dessicated yeast for
m is uncertain. The major risk factor for development of disease appears to
be exposure, though there is indirect evidence that unidentified host fact
ors may contribute to the relatively high incidence of cryptococcosis in Au
stralian Aboriginals. The rarity of cryptococcosis due to C. n. var, gattii
in immunocompromised patients remains unexplained. Virulence determinants
of C. neoformans are currently the subject of intensive investigation, espe
cially in C, n. var, neoformans. The best-characterized, major. virulence d
eterminants in this variety, the polysaccharide capsule, products of the la
ccase enzyme pathway and ability to grow at physiological temperatures, con
tribute to its survival in the host. They are also present in C. n. var, ga
ttii. A potential determinant of tissue invasion, secreted phospholipase B,
is produced in vitro and in vivo by C. n. var. gattii. This enzyme has now
been confirmed to play a role in the virulence of C. neoformans serotype A
, Disease caused by C. n. var, gattii is distinguished from that due to C.
n. var. neoformans by an increased incidence of cryptococcomas in lung and
brain, increased neurological morbidity and a slower response to antifungal
therapy. The difference in clinical presentation is predominantly due to t
he effect of underlying immunocompromise in patients infected with C. n. va
r, neoformans.