This paper reports the long-term follow-up of GC, a patient with primary pr
ogressive aphasia of the fluent type. GC presented at onset with an anemia
characterized by sparing of first letter knowledge. that applied mainly to
proper names and living categories. No semantic deficits were observed in t
he first stage of the disease, and MRI showed a left temporal lobe atrophy
with a gradient from the pole to the posterior regions, the latter being le
ss involved. Wt: now report the clinical evolution of GC from the 2nd to th
e 4th year of disease. As the disease progressed, the anemia became more se
vere and the phenomenon of first letter sparing was no longer detectable. A
lso semantic knowledge was gradually affected and, eventually, was dramatic
ally lost. However. no other cognitive deficits were seen at the last exami
nation. By that time, the temporal atrophy shown by MRI was bilateral. alth
ough still more evident on the left side. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.