The CERN heavy ion program has collected a huge amount of experimental resu
lts on the study of high energy density nuclear matter. Through the study o
f hadron yields the velocity of the fireball expansion and the freeze-out t
emperature of the system have been established. Chemical freeze-out tempera
ture of 170 MeV and freeze-out temperature of 120 MeV, together with an ene
rgy density of 3 GeV/fm(3) are over the minimum values predicted for the oc
curence of phase transition. Evidence for deconfinement of quarks and gluon
s from the J/psi suppression pattern measured in Pb-Pb collisions has been
reported by the NA50 experiment. The enhancement of multistrange hyperon pr
oduction observed by WA97 proves that strangeness is equilibrated on a very
short timescale, a behaviour expected in case of transition to a deconfine
d state. All the experiments agree in concluding that at least in central P
b-Pb interactions a state with many of the characteristics of the theoretic
ally predicted Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) has been created.