Evaluation of density-dependent fecundity in human Schistosoma mansoni infections by relating egg counts to circulating antigens through Deming regression
K. Polman et al., Evaluation of density-dependent fecundity in human Schistosoma mansoni infections by relating egg counts to circulating antigens through Deming regression, PARASITOL, 122, 2001, pp. 161-167
Regression analysis of the relationship of serum circulating anodic and cat
hodic antigens (CAA and CCA), as a possible direct measure of worm burden,
and fecal egg counts allows the study of phenomena like density-dependent f
ecundity in human Schistosoma mansoni infections. For a reliable analysis,
variations in egg count measurements as well as in circulating antigen leve
ls have to be taken into account, and an accurate estimation of these varia
tions (represented by parameter lambda in the so-called Deming regression)
is of great importance. From a new, extensive data set of repeated measurem
ents of fecal egg counts and CAA and CCA concentrations we determined the r
espective values for parameter lambda, and (re)analysed the relationship be
tween circulating antigens and egg counts in 3 data sets from Burundi, Sene
gal and Zaire by Deming regression. For comparison, ordinary linear regress
ion was performed as well, which considerably biased the regression lines f
or CCA, but not for CAA. The analyses resulted in a clearly non-proportiona
l relationship between egg counts and CAA, and, to a lesser extent, CCA. As
suming that egg counts and antigen measurements directly reflect egg produc
tion and worm burdens, respectively, our findings reinforce the indication
of density-dependent fecundity in schistosomiasis mansoni, as suggested by