Elastic scattering cross sections have been calculated for the O(P-3) + O(P
-3) collision at energies E = 1-10 eV using exact quantum calculations and
the semiclassical Jeffries-Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation with the
full set of 18 states of O-2 which separate to this system. These cross se
ctions are required for calculating escape probability from planetary atmos
pheres. In addition, an average potential has been calculated and compared
to popularly used potential energy forms. The average potential has also be
en used to generate the cross sections in this energy range. Escape depths
for E = 1 and 10 eV have been calculated to be 1.0 x 10(15) and 2.5 x 10(14
)/cm(2), respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.