Sl. Fu et H. Ozoe, GROWTH CRYSTALLOGRAPHY OF BI12SIO20 SINGLE-CRYSTALS SOLIDIFIED BY A FLOATING-ZONE METHOD, Journal of Materials Science, 32(14), 1997, pp. 3667-3674
Relations between the growth directions of Bi12SiO20 (BSO) single-crys
tal rods solidified by a floating zone method and the pulling paramete
rs were studied using an X-ray back-reflection Laue technique. It was
found that when a platinum wire is used as a seed, the growth directio
n of the produced BSO single-crystal rod is related to the pulling rat
e. Statistically, the probability of the growth direction approaching
[011], [112] or [001] appears to increase in this order with increase
of the pulling rate. In addition when a BSO crystal is used as a seed,
the growth direction of the produced BSO crystal rod has the same ori
entation as the seed crystal if the pulling rate is less than 30 mm h(
-1). If the pulling rate is higher than 30 mm h(-1), the growth appear
s to incline mostly to [112] if the seed orientation is near [011] or
[111] but far from [001], or to [001] if the seed orientation is near
[001] but far from both [011] and [111]. The angle of inclination incr
eases with the pulling rate, and also with the difference in angle bet
ween the orientation of seed crystal and [112] or [001]. The facet mor
phology of the BSO single-crystal rod is related to its growth directi
on. The cross-section of the BSO single-crystal rod grown along [001]
is an octagon with tetrad-rotational symmetry, that grown along [001]
is an ellipsoid with diad-rotational symmetry, and that along [111] is
a hexagon with triad-rotational symmetry. The cross-sections of the B
SO single-crystal rods grown in other directions are not regular, beca
use there is no clear symmetry.