We have previously described a truncated cDNA clone for a barley (Hord
eum vulgare L. cv. Salome) jasmonate regulated gene, JRG5, which shows
homology to caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT). A cDNA encompass
ing the coding region was amplified by PCR and cloned for overexpressi
on in E. coli. Western blot analyses indicate that the recombinant pro
tein crossreacts with the antibodies directed against the tobacco clas
s II OMT and only weakly with the antibodies for the tobacco class I O
MT. An immunoreactive band in the protein extract of jasmonate-treated
leaf segments suggests that JRG5 transcripts that accumulate after ja
smonate treatment are also translated. Specific methylating activities
on caffeic acid and catechol were obtained from the recombinant prote
in through renaturation of protein extracted from inclusion bodies or
from bacteria grown and induced at low temperature. On Northern blots,
the JRG5 transcripts were detected in the leaf sheath but not the lea
f lamina, stem, root or inflorescence and accumulated in leaf segments
after jasmonate application. Several hormone or stress treatments did
not induce JRG5 mRNA accumulation. This includes sorbitol stress whic
h is known to lead to enhanced endogenous jasmonate levels and the imp
lications for jasmonate signaling are discussed. Based on quantitative
measurements and fluorescence microscopy, jasmonate-induced accumulat
ion of ferulic acid and phenolic polymers in the cell wall were detect
ed and the possibility of cell wall strengthening mediated through phe
nolic crosslinks is discussed.