Background: The temporal pattern of partners and sexual encounters may be k
ey factors in the acquisition and transmission of sexually transmitted dise
ases (STDs), Behavior among adolescent women is of particular interest beca
use they frequently have the highest prevalence and incidence of infection.
Goal: To examine coital diary data collected during a 7-month longitudinal
study of young women at high risk of STDs and to describe their sexual beha
viors, with particular attention to issues of partner sequence and overlap.
Study Design: A 7-month longitudinal study of young women infected with or
having a sexual contact infected with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trac
homatis, or Trichomonas vaginalis attending the STD clinic or one of four n
eighborhood adolescent health clinics, Data were collected at enrollment an
d at 1, 3, 5, and 7-month follow-up visits. Coital diaries were kept betwee
n visits.
Results: The average frequency of coital events was 0.94 per week. The medi
an number of sexual partners during the follow-up period was one, and overl
apping of partnerships was an uncommon occurrence. The number of days betwe
en the last coital event of a current relationship and the first encounter
of a new relationship differed for those choosing a new partner (mean, 20.6
days) and those who returned to a previous partner (mean, 7.9 days; P < 0.
Conchsion: Although at high risk for STDs, high-risk behavior was not commo
n among the study population. Partner choice and the behavior of these part
ners may be more important elements than personal high-risk behavior in acc
ounting for the high prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among in
ner-city adolescent women.