Taking an attempt to explain the concept of empiricism as our starting poin
t (theses 1-4), we find that the theoretical and empirical sides of researc
h into grammar are becoming increasingly isolated from each other. Given th
e central position of research into grammar, the danger of a marginalizatio
n of linguistic studies is inherent to this development(theses 5-6). With r
egard to the theory of grammar, the primary cause of this isolation lies in
the specific parameter applied to the subject under investigation, this in
herently constricting the possibility of empirical research(for example, in
relation to such areas as linguistic change or variation) (thesis 8). As r
egards empirical research into grammar, the problem here lies in the absenc
e of a comprehensive theoretical framework as a basic point of reference (t
hesis 9). The concluding theses aim at showing how a tight link between the
oretical and empirical approaches can be restored through the application o
f methodological guidelines(theses 7, 10-18).