The effectiveness of photosynthetic free-living and polyurethane foam (PU)
immobilized Anabaena variabilis cells for removal of orthophosphate (P) fro
m water in batch cultures and in a photobioreactor was studied. Immobilizat
ion in PU foams was found to have a positive effect on P uptake by cyanobac
teria in batch cultures. The efficiency of P uptake by immobilized cells wa
s higher than by free-living cells. A laboratory scale photobioreactor was
constructed for removal of P from water by the immobilized cyanobacteria. T
he photobioreactor was designed so that the growth medium (water) from a re
servoir was pumped through a photobioreactor column with immobilized cyanob
acteria and back to the reservoir. This created a closed system in which it
was possible to measure P uptake. No leakage of cells into the photobiorea
ctor medium reservoir was observed during the operation. The immobilized ce
lls incorporated into a photobioreactor column removed P continuously for a
bout 15 d. No measurable uptake was demonstrated after this period. Orthoph
osphate uptake efficiency of 88-92% was achieved by the photobioreactor.