The 3'-region of RNA2 of three viruses {Natsudaidai dwarf virus (isolate ND
-1), and two unidentified isolates (LB-1, Az-1)}, which were related to Sat
suma dwarf virus (SBV), were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis including the
previously reported SDV-related viruses {Citrus mosaic vir-us (CiMV, Ci-96
8), Navel orange infectious mottling: virus (NIMV, NI-1)} showed that they
were classified into three groups, SDV (S-58), CiMV (Ci-968, LB-1, Az-1, ND
-1) and NIMV (NI-1). The results suggested these groups might correspond to
the three distinct virus species. ND-1, LB-1, and Az-1 were considered str
ains of CiMV, although they do not induce citrus mosaic on the fruit rind.