In many parts of the Asia-Pacific region, diabetes prevalence is increasing
and seems destined to become a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseas
e. The phenomenon seems predicated on insulin resistance (IR), partly attri
butable to an early impact of abdominal (visceral) adiposity than in Caucas
ian populations. Food intake along with physical activity and emotional str
ess are all determinants of glycaemic status. The glycaemic index (GI) of f
oods indicates that a number of food factors other than glucose content are
important for good glycaemic response to foods and meals. These include (i
) low GI foods could also be ones low in fat. (ii) foods that have the lowe
st GI which include lentils, pasta, noodles, multigrain breads and some fru
its (e.g. grapefruit, plums) and (iii) fruits are to be preferred to their
juices. The nutritional management of diabetes is best served by counsellin
g changes in a sociocultural context and step-wise fashion by negotiation r
ather than prescription. It needs to be accompanied by advice to engage in
regular physical activity, both aerobic and strength training. The same con
cept applies to the prevention of abdominal adiposity and diabetes mellitus
type II in the Asia-Pacific region, but with particular reference to prote
ctive regional food.