The distribution and incorporation of strontium into bone has been examined
in rats, monkeys, and humans after oral administration of strontium (eithe
r strontium chloride or strontium ranelate), After repeated administration
for a sufficient period of time (at least 4 weeks in rats), strontium incor
poration into bone reaches a plateau level, This plateau appears to be lowe
r in females than in males due to a difference in the absorption process. S
teady-state plasma strontium levels are reached more rapidly than in bones,
and within 10 days in the rat. The strontium levels in bone vary according
to the anatomical site. However, strontium Levels at different skeletal si
tes are strongly correlated, and the strontium content of the lumbar verteb
ra may be estimated from iliac crest bone biopsies in monkeys. The strontiu
m levels in bone also vary according to the bone structure and higher amoun
ts of strontium are found in cancellous bone than in cortical bone. Further
more, at the crystal level, higher concentrations of strontium are observed
in newly formed bone than in old bone. After withdrawal of treatment, the
bone strontium content rapidly decreases in monkeys. The relatively high cl
earance rate of strontium from bone can be explained by the mechanisms of i
ts incorporation. Strontium is mainly incorporated by exchange onto the cry
stal surface, In new bone, only a few strontium atoms may be incorporated i
nto the crystal by ionic substitution of calcium. After treatment withdrawa
l, strontium exchanged onto the crystal is rapidly eliminated, which leads
to a rapid decrease in total bone strontium levels, In summary, incorporati
on of strontium into bone, mainly by exchange onto the crystal surface, is
dependent on the duration of treatment, dose, gender, and skeletal site. Ne
vertheless, bone strontium content is highly correlated with plasma stronti
um levels and, in bone, between the different skeletal sites. (Bone 28: 446
-453; 2001) (C) 2001 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.