Background: The movement of medical education into the community has accele
rated the development of a new model of general practice in which core clin
ical services are complemented by educational and research activities invol
ving the whole primary care team.
Aim: To compare quality indicators, workload characteristics, and health au
thority income of general practices involved in undergraduate medical educa
tion in east London with those of other practices in the area and national
figures where available.
Design of study: A comprehensive survey of undergraduate and postgraduate c
linical placements and practice-based research activity within general prac
Setting: One-hundred and sixty-one practices based in East London and the C
ity Health Authority (ELCHA).
Method: Cross-sectional survey comparing routinely-collected information on
practice resources, workload, income, and performance between teaching and
non-teaching practices.
Results: In east London, teaching practices are larger partnerships with sm
aller list sizes, higher staff costs, and better quality premises than non-
teaching practices. Teaching practices demonstrate significantly better per
formance on quality indicators, such as cervical cytology coverage and pres
cribing indicators. Patient-related health authority income per whole time
equivalent (WTE) general practitioner (GP) is significantly lower among tea
ching practices. A multiple regression analysis was used to explore the ass
ociation between teaching status and income. Eighty-eight per cent of the v
ariation in patient-related income could be explained by the combination of
list size, list turnover, removals at doctor's request, quality of premise
s, and immunisation and cytology rates.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that practice involvement in undergradu
ate education in east London is associated with higher scores on a range of
organisational and performance quality indicators. The lower patient-relat
ed income of teaching practices is associated with smaller list sizes and m
ay only be partially replaced by teaching practices are more attractive to
doctors seeking partnership in east London.