Kinetic data acquisition and screening of transition metal complexes for ho
mogeneous liquid phase catalysis calls for numerous testing in multiphase G
/L, L/L and G/L/L systems. It is shown first, with an example in asymmetric
hydrogenation, why detailed kinetics must be performed. Then, new reactors
leading to fast experimental techniques are proposed. A liquid-liquid cent
rifugal partition chromatography is evaluated for determining rate constant
s and partition isotherms by combining frontal analysis and elution chromat
ography, the catalyst being maintained in a stationary aqueous phase. Two m
icroreactors offering short residence time have also been tested and compar
ed with a fast test reaction (t(R) ca. 5-20 s). The combination of reacting
pulses, carrier liquids and micromixer is proposed as a general high throu
ghput tool for the investigation of G/L, L/L and G/L/L catalytic systems in
a fast sequential way. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.