In vertebrates, enzymatic activity levels in the small intestine are correl
ated with dietary composition. We examined enzymatic activity levels in juv
enile specimens of two flamingo species, Phoenicoparrus andinus and Phoenic
oparrus jamesi. Both species feed their chicks with esophageal secretions.
Based on the chemical composition of these secretions in flamingoes, we pre
dicted low activity levels of disaccharidases and higher activities of amin
opeptidase-N and esterase. As predicted, sucrase was absent in P. andinus,
and its activity was low in P. jamesi. Esterase and aminopeptidase-N activi
ties were relatively high. Low maltase activity suggested the presence of c
arbohydrates in esophageal secretions. Digestive features can have conseque
nces on the growth and survival of chicks. Hence the data presented here ma
y be relevant to the maintenance and reproduction of wild and captive endan
gered flamingoes.