The esophagus of mammalian species is organized into mucosa, connective tis
sue, and muscle, but little is known about the matrix of these layers. We s
tudied by immunohistochemistry the distribution of collagens, fibronectin,
versican, and elastin in the smooth muscle segment of the American opossum.
Cryosections were exposed to specific antibodies and fluorescent-stained u
sing conjugates of rhodamine or isothiocyanate. Staining was scored by two
observers. We found that collagen I was prominent in the submucosa and in t
he muscular septa; collagen III formed fibrillar meshes in the lamina propr
ia and the submucosa but was virtually absent from the epithelial and muscu
lar layers; collagen IV was restricted to the: base of the epithelium; coll
agen V, in contrast to collagen III, was prominent in epithelium and muscul
aris mucosae and sparse in muscular septa and submucosa, Fibronectin distri
bution followed collagen III; it formed layers in lamina propria and submuc
osa and strands in muscle septa and between individual muscle cells. Versic
an distribution followed collagen V; it was prominent in large muscle septa
and formed thick sheets at the boundaries of submucosa/circular muscle and
of circular/longitudinal muscle. We also determined the tissue contents of
protein, hexuronic acid, and fibronectin. The mucosal layers exceeded the
muscular layers in their content of hexuronic acid and fibronectin but not
protein, We conclude that individual layers of the smooth muscle esophagus
each have their own characteristic matrix. Lamina propria and submucosa are
similar with regard to fiber orientation but lamina propria contains relat
ively more collagen III (small fibril) and submucosa comparatively more col
lagen I (large fibril). Nonfibrillar collagen V and versican are particular
ly prominent specifically on the boundaries between contracting muscle tiss
ue and connective tissue framework.