Electronic commerce is happening at a very fast pace and business-to-busine
ss ecommerce is taking the lead, a very important part of which is the supp
ly chain integration and automation. There is a high demand for well accept
ed interoperability standards which need to be fitted together for supply c
hain integration to meet the business demands such as being able to integra
te catalogs from different companies. This will facilitate product comparis
ons and producing customized catalogs. Given an anchor product anywhere on
the supply chain, it should be possible to obtain information on related pr
oducts that complement or add value to this anchor product. Yet another key
issue is the full automation of the supply chain processes. However since
a single dominant electronic commerce standard is unlikely, the supply chai
n integration and automation should be able to accommodate different standa
rds like OBI or OTP. This will make it possible for users to conform to the
standards of their choice.
Another important fact is that rigid supply chains can co-exist with supply
chains formed on the fly where participants can transact business spontane
ously since the Web is able to make the information instantly available to
all trading partners. Facilitating resource discovery that is discovering i
nformation on possible partners and their catalogs on the Internet and tran
sacting business automatically also becomes an important issue.
The architecture developed within the scope of this paper addresses these i
ssues. We have used the emerging technologies and standards as the infrastr
ucture of the system proposed; and integrated these to meet the needs of su
pply chain integration and automation and demonstrated how each of the ment
ioned functionality can be achieved.