The purpose of this study was to present clinical and MR imaging features o
f intra-articular ganglion cysts of the knee. Retrospective review of 1685
consecutive medical records and MR examinations of the knee performed at th
ree imaging centers allowed identification of 20 patients (13 men and 7 wom
en; mean age 35 years), in whom evidence of intra-articular ganglion cyst w
as seen. Of the 20 ganglion cysts, 5 were found in the infrapatellar fat pa
d, 10 arose from the posterior cruciate ligament, and 5 from the anterior c
ruciate ligament. Three of five patients with ganglion cyst in the infrapat
ellar fat pad had a palpable mass. In 7 of 15 patients with ganglion cyst i
n the intercondylar notch, exacerbation of pain occurred in a squatting pos
ition. On four MR arthrographies, ganglion cysts were an intra-articular ro
und, lobulated, low signal intensity lesion. Five cases of fat-suppressed c
ontrast-enhanced T1-weighted SE images demonstrated peripheral thin rim enh
ancement. The clinical presentation of intraarticular ganglion cyst is vari
ed according to its intra-articular location. The MR appearance of intraart
icular ganglion cyst is characteristic and usually associated with the cruc
iate ligament or the infrapatellar fat pad. Magnetic resonance arthrography
has no definite advantage over conventional MR in the evaluation of the le
sion. For intraarticular ganglion cyst in the infrapatellar fat pad, fat-su
ppressed contrast-enhanced MR imaging could be useful, because a thin, rim-
enhancing feature of intra-articular ganglion cyst allows it to be distingu
ished from synovial hemangioma and synovial sarcoma.