Until recently, spironolactone was considered only as an antagonist at the
aldosterone receptors of the epithelial cells of the kidney and nas used cl
inically in the treatment of hyperaldosteronism and, occasionally, as a K+-
sparing diuretic. Tile spironolactone renaissance started with the experime
ntal finding that spironolactone reversed aldosterone-induced cardiac fibro
sis by a cardiac action. Experimentally, spironolactone also has direct eff
ects on blood vessels. Spironolactone reduces vascular fibrosis and injury,
inhibits angiogenesis. reduces vascular tone and reduces portal hypertensi
on. The rationale for the Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES) of
spironolactone in heart failure was that 'aldosterone escape' occurred thro
ugh non-angiotensin II mechanisms. The RALES clinical trial was stopped ear
ly when it was shown that there was a 30% reduction in risk of death among
the spironolactone patients. In RALES, spironolactone also reduced hospital
isation for worsening heart failure and improved the symptoms of heart fail
ure. Other recent clinical trials have shown that spironolactone reduces ca
rdiac and vascular collagen turnover, improves heart variability, reduces v
entricular arrhythmias, improves endothelial dysfunction and dilates blood
vessels in human heart failure and these effects probably all contribute to
the increased survival in heart failure. Spironolactone may also be useful
in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy, portal hypertension and
cirrhosis. There have also been some recent small clinical trials of spiron
olactone as an anti-androgen showing potential in acne, hirsutism and preco
cious puberty.