Amplification of Bartonella henselae DNA has been proposed as a diagno
stic test for cat scratch disease (CSD), The sensitivities of the foll
owing three PCR assays were compared, PCR/rRNA with universal primers
amplifies part of the 16S rRNA gene, followed by; hybridization, with
a specific B, henselae probe; PCR/CS anti PCR/HSP amplify portions of
the gltA and the htrA genes, respectively, each followed itp restricti
on fragment length polymorphism analysis, The threshold of detection o
f B. henselae DNA in pus was 10(-4), 10(-3), and 10(-2) ng for PCR/rRN
A, PCR/CS, and PCR/HSP, respectively. np these three assays, B. hensel
ae DNA was detected in 100, 94, and 69% of 32 pus and lymph node speci
mens from GSD patients, respectively, The similar sensitivities of the
PCR/rRNA and the PCR/CS assays for detecting B. henselae DNA in clini
cal specimens are in contrast to the 10-fold difference in sensitiviti
es in favor of PCR/rRNA demonstrated with purified B. henselae DNA in
sterile pus, suggesting that in the majority of cases, the bacterial l
oad in clinical specimens is large enough to be identified by Che PCR/
CS assay. A two-step approach is suggested to achieve maximal sensitiv
ity for detecting B, henselae in clinical specimens: initial testing b
y PCR/CS (which does not require hybridization), followed by; PCR/rRNA
with PCR/CS-negative specimens when CSD is strongly suspected.