Deinococcus radiodurans is a highly radiation-resistant bacterium that is c
lassed in a major subbranch of the bacterial domain. Since very little is k
nown about gene expression in this bacterium, an initial study of promoters
was undertaken. In order to isolate promoters and study promoter function,
a series of integrative vectors for stable chromosomal insertion in D. rad
iodurans were developed. These vectors are based on Escherichia coli replic
ons that are unable to replicate autonomously in D, radiodurans and carry h
omologous sequences for replacement recombination in the D, radiodurans chr
omosome, The resulting integration vectors were used to study expression of
reporter genes fused to a number of putative promoters that were amplified
from the D, radiodurans R1 genome. Further analysis of these and other put
ative promoters was performed by Northern hybridization and primer extensio
n experiments. In contrast to previous reports, the -10 and -35 regions of
these promoters resembled the sigma (70) consensus sequence of E., coli.