Apart from their function as counter ions for the charge neutralization of
nucleic acids, alkali metal ions play important roles in stabilizing partic
ular multistranded nucleic acids, e.g., guanine quartets in telomeres and u
racil (U) or thymine (T) quartets. Here X-ray crystal structure determinati
ons of a series of alkali metal ions (Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+) as well as of Mg2 and H5O2+ adducts with the model bases 1-methylthymine and 1-ethylthymine
are reported, which bear relevance to the question of thymine quartet (T-4)
geometries. The compounds isolated differ in their stoichiometries (T:M=4:
1, 2.1, 1:1), and the ways the metal ions interact with the bases. The two
extremes are exclusive metal coordination to exocyclic oxygen atoms of the
T bases and exclusive H bonding between M aqua cations and the bases.