Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is known to be important for oligodend
rocyte survival and myelination. In the current study, the authors examined
the hypothesis that exogenous IGF-I could reduce postischemic white matter
injury. Bilateral brain injury was induced in near-term fetal sheep by 30
minutes of reversible carotid artery occlusion. Ninety minutes after ischem
ia, either vehicle (n = 8) or a single dose of 3 mug IGF-1 (n = 9) was infu
sed intracerebroventricularly over 1 hour. White matter changes were assess
ed after 4 days recovery in the parasagittal intragyral white matter and un
derlying corona radiata. Proteolipid protein (PLP) mRNA staining was used t
o identify bioactive oligodendrocytes. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA
P) and isolectin B-4 immunoreactivity were used to label astrocytes and mic
roglia, respectively. Myelin basic protein (MBP) density and the area of th
e intragyral white matter tracts were determined by image analysis. Insulin
-like growth factor-1 treatment was associated with significantly reduced l
oss of oligodendrocytes in the intragyral white matter (P < 0.05), with imp
roved MBP density (P < 0.05), reduced tissue swelling, and increased number
s of GFAP and isolectin B-4 positive cells compared with vehicle treatment.
After ischemia there was a close association of PLP mRNA labeled cells wit
h reactive astrocytes and macrophages/microglia. In conclusion, IGF-I can p
revent delayed, postischemic oligodendrocyte cell loss and associated demye